Avoid these 5 Mistake

5 of the biggest mistakes I made using recruitment automation (and how I would avoid them now):

1. Not spot-checking my list of contacts
2. Not getting buy-in from early adopters
3. Failing to fully understand fully before automating
4. Neglecting to train more colleagues on Bullhorn Automation
5. Turning on automation before using test records

Now I would:

1. Spot-check profiles to verify accurate search criteria
2. Involve my team and seek out their input early
3. Precisely map & understand workflows
4. Share knowledge internally
5. Test my automation

Mistakes happen.

Acknowledging them is good.

Improving from them is even better.

P.S. I’ve made the mistakes, so you don’t have to.


Don’t Invest in Recruitment Automation


The Most Important Automation to Implement